Sponsor a pupil
The education provided at Aamaghar Pathshala is of very high quality by Nepalese standards and the school is growing strongly as a result. To guarantee the continuity of education for every pupil, we are looking for donors who personally want to sponsor a pupil
You choose how much you donate and for how long. Depending on your choice you will contribute directly to your pupil’s transport, teaching materials, school uniform, a healthy daily meal and snack, periodic medical examinations and the teachers’ salaries. All of your sponsorship will be used for the child’s benefit, without any deductions at all for Stichting Balsewa.
How it works
Choose a period (1, 2, 3 years)
Choose an amount (15, 30, 45 euros per month)
You will receive an annual update on the child you sponsor
Sponsoring a pupil is special because:
you provide a child with education and care
you receive updates and photos to keep you informed of your pupil’s progress
you build a special relationship with your pupil
Stichting Balsewa is accredited as a charity by the Netherlands Central Office for Fundraising Organisations (CBF) and recognised by the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration as a Public Benefit Organisation (ANBI).